Places in Tennessee starting with R
List of cities, towns, villages in Tennessee starting with R (19 place(s)). Click on place name to get boundary info:
Ramer city
Red Bank city
Red Boiling Springs city
Riceville CDP
Ridgely town
Ridgeside city
Ridgetop city
Ripley city
Rives town
Roan Mountain CDP
Red Bank city
Red Boiling Springs city
Riceville CDP
Ridgely town
Ridgeside city
Ridgetop city
Ripley city
Rives town
Roan Mountain CDP
Robbins CDP
Rockford city
Rockvale CDP
Rockwood city
Rogersville town
Rossville town
Rural Hill CDP
Rutherford town
Rutledge town
Rockford city
Rockvale CDP
Rockwood city
Rogersville town
Rossville town
Rural Hill CDP
Rutherford town
Rutledge town