Places in South Carolina starting with S
List of cities, towns, villages in South Carolina starting with S (48 place(s)). Click on place name to get boundary info:
Salem town
Salley town
Saluda town
Sangaree CDP
Sans Souci CDP
Santee town
Saxon CDP
Scotia town
Scranton town
Seabrook Island town
Sellers town
Seneca city
Seven Oaks CDP
Sharon town
Shell Point CDP
Shiloh CDP
Silverstreet town
Simpsonville city
Six Mile town
Slater-Marietta CDP
Smoaks town
Smyrna town
Snelling town
Socastee CDP
Salley town
Saluda town
Sangaree CDP
Sans Souci CDP
Santee town
Saxon CDP
Scotia town
Scranton town
Seabrook Island town
Sellers town
Seneca city
Seven Oaks CDP
Sharon town
Shell Point CDP
Shiloh CDP
Silverstreet town
Simpsonville city
Six Mile town
Slater-Marietta CDP
Smoaks town
Smyrna town
Snelling town
Socastee CDP
Society Hill town
South Congaree town
South Sumter CDP
Southern Shops CDP
Spartanburg city
Springdale CDP
Springdale town
Springfield town
St. Andrews CDP
St. George town
St. Matthews town
St. Stephen town
Starr town
Startex CDP
Stateburg CDP
Stuckey town
Sullivan's Island town
Summerton town
Summerville town
Summit town
Sumter city
Surfside Beach town
Swansea town
Sycamore town
South Congaree town
South Sumter CDP
Southern Shops CDP
Spartanburg city
Springdale CDP
Springdale town
Springfield town
St. Andrews CDP
St. George town
St. Matthews town
St. Stephen town
Starr town
Startex CDP
Stateburg CDP
Stuckey town
Sullivan's Island town
Summerton town
Summerville town
Summit town
Sumter city
Surfside Beach town
Swansea town
Sycamore town